Zirben Spirits.


We deliver to all EU countries. In addition to the stated product prices weight-based shipping rates are added depending on your country. We work with the Austrian Post AG to deliver as cheap and secure as possible. Austrian customers can pick up booked orders themselves by visting our company address in lower Austria. Delivery times may wary depending on your country and the time of shipping, which could take up to 10 working days.

We have been receiving an increasing number of requests to export our product to the United States. Alcohol exports to the US are highly regulated and direct shipping of alcoholic beverages to the US is unfortunately not possible. Imports must be done through an official importer who, in turn, has local distribution partners in various states. It is currently unclear when we will be able to export our Spirits to the United States. We appreciate the interest and enthusiasm in our products and we look forward to bringing the orange taste of our unique Spirits to the American Bitcoin Community in the future.

Full List of Prices and Zones of the Posts AG can be found here:

Zone AT: Austria (https://www.post.at/p/c/brief-tarife#314577135, https://www.post.at/p/c/paket-tarife#904656812)

Zone 1a: Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia (https://www.post.at/p/c/paket-international-tarife)

Zone 1b: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Spain, Sweden (https://www.post.at/p/c/paket-international-tarife)